D&H 229 was built by the Barney & Smith Company in 1916. It was used to Delaware & Hudsons premier passenger trains such as "Montral Limited" and "Laurentian" between New York City, NY and Montreal, QC. It was modernized in 1943 and was retired in 1968. At the time, it was the oldest coach in regular service on the Delaware & Hudson and was donated to the Central New York Chapter N.R.H.S. later that same year. In 1975, the Delaware & Hudson leased the car due to equipment shortage on the "Adirondack" passenger. They named the car C.J. Brierley in honor of the Delaware & Hudsons senior conductor, Charles J. Brierley. On March 1, 1977 Amtrak Turboliners took over the Delaware & Hudsons equipment on the "Adirondack" and D&H 229 was returned to the Central New York Chapter N.R.H.S. |